Saturday, October 28, 2006


Hoy mi di cuenta que se me ha olvidado escribir en mi lengua materna. Creo que estar en un mercado extranjero puede dañar mis valores y cultura. Tengo tanto tiempo de no escribir en español, que hoy me senti como que estaba traicionando a mi cultura latina y sobre todo a mi pais. Asi que si no puedes leer esto te fregaste. Estos dos ultimos años han sido de cambios inimaginables, finalmente salio mi libro, pero a la vez ha sido un tiempo dificil y doloroso ( por dificil que parezca). Dejar al pais que uno ama nunca es facil, especialmente cuando sabes que tienes que ir a tocar puertas, y muchas veces te abren y te la cierran bien duro en la cara. Tal vez para asegurarse que no vuelvas a tocar .

A veces para ganar algo en tu vida, tienes que dar algo a cambio, y la pregunta es si lo que tienes que dar a cambio no sera mas valioso que lo que deseas ganar? A lo largo del camino de tomar esta decision de aventurarme a publicar mi primer libro en Estados Unidos, he aprendido muchas cosas que no sabia que venian en el camino, segun yo era de publicar el libro y como estaria en y demas pues supuse que era pan comido, para nada la publicacion es solo el comienzo de un largo camino. A lo largo de esta nueva aventura mucha gente asume que como estoy ya en los E.E.U.U. pues ya hice dinero y estoy echo, que diera yo por que fuera asi. Estar en estos mercados significa promocionar el libro mas y mas y obviamente invertir. He llegado a un punto en donde debo dejar de soñar mucho y dejar que DIOS haga su voluntad en toda mi vida, pero permitir hacer eso es muchas veces sentirse vulnerable y desprotegido de muchas formas. Hoy me di cuenta que he llegado al punto de tomar muchas decisiones de hacia donde voy en esta vida y donde hare una vida para siempre. La verdad que rico se siente escribir en mi lengua materna, impresionante darse cuenta que el corazon siempre demanda lo suyo.


Sunday, October 22, 2006


The industry of wines is growing so fast and it is getting in to markets that we never expect where going to be interested as they are. I'm the International Division Manager for MOTOVINO company for Latin America. So if you are looking for a good experience with a sophisticated wine, MOTOVINO would be your best choice. A good wine should always be with good friends, a good meal and sometimes you can be alone, simply enjoying a good moment in life. Wine should always be a good partner for those moments.

More information contact me at

Friday, October 20, 2006

Life is a battle.

We are warriors that needs to conquer every territory of our hearts. One day at a time. Every battle will take place in our hearts and souls. Our commander in chief, God, will determine the end of it. Pablo Castaneda

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Remember to help the RED Campaign . We can make a difference to save HIV children and moms in Africa, doing what we like the most, SHOPPING.

That's the question I wanted to ask you; Latin Lovers, do we really Exist? It is a question I had for so many years as I traveled to different places and the question came after I realized that the idea of a Latin Lover was so sexual and self centered. I decided to share my perspective as a LATIN MAN. available at and
LIFE IS.....................
Life is a battle, never give up. We are furious soldiers and YES there will be battles that we will loose, but we will get in our feet again and heal our wounds and keep walking to our next battle.
LIFE IS............................

Life is full of so many good things. Still we have to fight for those things. There will be so many times that along the battle we will ran out of strenght. We need to conquer our fear and hearts and God will do the rest.

Friday, October 13, 2006


I have contacted JOIN RED and see the outcome, I hope I can get involved and start making a difference. WE CAN ALL START MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR AFRICA.



It is so cool what Bono is trying to do for Africa. Yes that's so cool, it was an inspiring moment to see we can make a difference, but a REAL ONE. Many times we worried about getting the best brand names, shoes, cell phones and so many other things. Our goal is to make money, let's be honest YES we like that. But when I heard that HIV children in Africa are dying because they don't have 0.50 cts a day for their medicines it really hit me. How many times I spend more than that, and I mean a way more than that in stupid things. I have decided to get involved. I’m a business consultant and writer and I have decided that I would like to donate 0.50cts of my personal book royalties. Now I need to find out if that's possible and find out where I can contact people from If you want to check my book go to , available at and

I hope this can be a real thing; I want to be part of this great and awesome campaign of love.

"Craziness is to expect changes in my life and do the same things every single day". B Franklin